Archive for March 15th, 2011

March 15, 2011

Inequality in Law School – Let’s Keep Talking!

by Angela N. Johnson

Take off that duct tape! Let's keep talking!

Judith Resnik, in “A Continious Body: Ongoing Conversations about Women and Legal Education” argues:

  1. In spite of many advancements in legal academy, equality has not yet come into being and the subject of achieving equality should not yet be ignored as having been conquered. In other words, let’s keep talking!
  2. To achieve equality, there must be more women faculty.
  3. Equality in the legal academy is important because it is the academy that addresses how assumptions about gender, ace, and ethnicity shape the law, and in turn, about what role law plays, has played, and should play in making those concepts meaningful  (Resnik 2003, 568).

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